
Where and What is Balance?

Balance by Hartwig HKD (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Balance by Hartwig HKD (CC BY-ND 2.0)

We live in a time of health related catch phrases. Words like holistic, wellness, authentic, intention, manifest, and abundance come to mind. I know that I use them within my teachings, and hear them from others. The frequent usage of the words can override any real meaning or valid connection to the situation. One such concept that has recently gotten me thinking are the words and ideas related to balance. The common adage seems to be that if we live a balance lifestyle, health, happiness, and success naturally fall into place. I seem to be hearing the word “balance” everywhere, as if it is the balm for everything that troubles us. What does this really mean? If we successfully stand on one foot will we be overcome with a utopian sense of being? Will we feel complete as human beings when we can successfully balance a teeter-totter in the local playground? Or does it mean that we must do equal parts work and relaxation in order to be healthy? These questions come to mind when I hear the phrase, “life-work balance”.

We know in our bones when life is tipped too far one way. We may feel overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and ill when we are spending too much time in one area of our life while neglecting another area. We many even become hyper, overactive, and scattered. The trick is to notice when this happens, and then to actually examine why we feel this way, and what we might be able or willing to do about it.

Balance – what image does it evoke for you? Is it something you have, or something you want, or is it just an overused, abstract notion that holds no interest?

The Sapphire Island theme for the month of April is the exploration of balance, through our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. As we are all unique individuals, balance will hold a different meaning for each of us. Let’s embrace those differences, while being open to discovering what will enrich our lives. Let’s explore what it means to have that elusive “life, work balance”. Imagine finding the center point in the teeter-totter of life, and from there feel safe enough to let it tip from one side to the other, knowing that the center point is just a breath away.

Through the month of April the discussion of Balance will take place through various social media applications, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Look for articles, images, meditations, and yoga flows to help you discover what being balanced looks like to you.

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